Wednesday, December 6, 2017

The Arts

There is clearly a difference between form and function … recall that the creation sequence is essence-energy-function-form.  The fine arts, as described here by Seth, are really very functional and have a much higher purpose than we suppose.  

We tend to get swept up in form but true art (of any kind) speaks to the soul.  That type of art can’t be automated, though there are artificial intelligence initiatives attempting to create music, etc.  From a higher perspective, perhaps the art in the case of artificial intelligence is actually the understanding of intelligence rather than the artifacts that are machine generated.

“Early artists hoped to understand the very nature of creativity itself as they tried to mimic earth’s forms.  Poetry and painting were both functional in ways that I will describe in our next book and “esthetic”, but poetry and painting have always involved primarily man’s attempt to understand himself and his world.  The original functions of art – meaning poetry and painting here specifically – have been largely forgotten.  The true artist in those terms was always primarily – in your terms again – a psychic or a mystic.

“His specific art was both his method of understanding his own creativity and a way of exploring the vast creativity of the universe – and also served as a container or showcase that displayed his knowledge as best he could.”

(Dreams, “Evolution” and Value FulfillmentPrivate Session 10 September 1979)

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