Friday, October 2, 2015

Session 582

Seth Speaks, Session 582

(“Is evolution, as it is commonly thought of, a fact or something greatly distorted?”)

(Apropos of this question, in ESP class eight days later Seth had this to say about Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution:

(“He spent his last years proving it, and yet it has no real validity.  It has validity within very limited perspectives only; for consciousness does, indeed, evolve form.  Form does not evolve consciousness.  All consciousness does, indeed, exist at once, and therefore it did not evolve in those terms.  It is according to when you come into the picture, and what you choose to observe, and what part of the play you decide to observe.  It is more the other way around, in that evolved consciousness forms itself into many different patterns and rains down on reality.  Consciousness did not come from atoms and molecules scattered by chance through the universe, or scattered by chance through many universes.  Consciousness did not arrive because inert matter suddenly soared into activity and song.  The consciousness existed first, and evolved the form into which it then began to manifest itself.

(“Now, if you had all been really paying attention to what I have been saying for some time about the simultaneous nature of time and existence, then you would have known that the theory of evolution is as beautiful a tale as the theory of biblical creation.  Both are quite handy, and both are methods of telling stories, and both might seem to agree within their own systems, and yet, in larger respects they cannot be realities … No – no form of matter, however potent, will be self-evolved into consciousness, no matter what other bits of matter are added to it.  Without consciousness, the matter would not be there in the universe, floating around, waiting for another component to give it reality, consciousness, existence, or song.”

(A class member: “Every bit of matter already has consciousness?”

(“Indeed, and consciousness came first.  You are quite correct.  I thank you for bringing up the matter.  There are many ways of bringing up matter.”)

At the risk of really repeating myself, let me state that time as you know it does not exist basically and that all creation is simultaneous.  That should answer your question.

We will elaborate.

All the ages of Earth, in your terms both past and present, exist, as do future ages.  NOW.  Some life forms are being developed in what you think of as present time.  They will not appear physically until you reach your future time.

They exist now, however, as certainly as do, say, the dinosaurs.  You only choose to focus your attention upon a highly specific field of space-time coordinates, accepting these as present reality, and closing yourselves off from all others.  Specifically, complicated physical forms are not the result of previous simpler ones.  They all exist in larger terms at once.

On the other hand, more complicated organizations of consciousness are necessary to form, enter, and vitalize the more complicated physical structures.  All structure is formed by consciousness.  Defined in your terms, a fragment is a consciousness not as developed as your own.  The living portions of nature are the result of your own creativity, projections and fragments of your own energy; energy that comes to you from All That Is and goes outward from you, forming its own image manifestations as you form yours.

Since you do not perceive the future and do not understand that life goes out in all directions, then it seems only logical to suppose that present forms must be based upon past ones.  You do close your eyes to evidence that does not support this theory. 

There is no single-line development, in other words.  The fragment elements directed outward by you as a species also add of course to your physical reality, for without the fine balance maintained, and without this cooperation, your particular kind of environment would not be possible.

I have told you often that you do yourselves a grave injustice by limiting you conception of the self.  Your sense of identity, freedom, power, and love would be immeasurably enhanced if you could understand that what you are does not end at the boundaries of your skin, but continues outward through the physical environment that seem to be impersonal, or not-self.

Biologically it should be easy to understand that you are physically a part of earth and everything within it.  You are made of the same elements, you breathe the same air.  You cannot hold the air that you take within you and then say, “This is myself, filled with this air.  I will not let it go”, or you would find out very quickly that you were not nearly so independent.

You are biologically connected, chemically connected with the earth that you know; but since it is also formed naturally and spontaneously from your own projected psychic energy, since you and the seasons even have a psychic interaction, then the self must be understood in a far greater context.  Such a context would allow you to share in life experiences of many other forms, to follow patterns of energy and emotion of which you barely conceive, and to sense a world-consciousness in which you have your own independent part.

(“In the 429th session you said: ‘Also, minutes and hours have their own consciousness.’ You didn’t elaborate.”)

What you perceive of time is a portion of other events intruding into your own system, often interpreted as movement in space, or as something that separates events – if not in space, then in a way possible to define without using the concept of time.

What separates events is not time, but your perception.  You perceive events “one at a time”.  Time as it appears to you is, instead, a psychic organization of experience.  The seeming beginning and end of an event; the seeming birth and death, are simply other dimensions of experience as, for example, height, width, weight.  Instead it seem to you that you grow toward an end, when an end is a part of a particular experience, or if you prefer, person-event.

We are speaking then of multidimensional reality.  The whole self or entity or soul can never be completely materialized in three-dimensional form.  A part of it can be projected into that dimension however, extending so many years in time, taking up so much space, and so forth.

The entity sees the whole event, the whole person-event, with the time element, or age in your terms, as simply another characteristic or dimension.  The person-event is not cut off, however.  Its greater reality simply cannot appear within three dimensions.  It is instead composed of atoms and molecules that you do not perceive, both above and below the physical range of intensities – and all of these in their own way possess consciousness.

In greater terms, seconds and moments do not exist, either, but the reality that is behind time or that you perceive as time, the “outside time” events, are composed of units that also have their own kind of consciousness.  They form what appears as time to you, as atoms and molecules form what appears as space to you.

Now these are units moving faster than the speed of light, excellent energy sources intruding into and impinging upon matter without ever materializing.  They will be interpreted differently in other systems.

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