Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Seth Early Sessions, Vol 5, Session 228

Now. This is a good time to discuss certain interactions that occur within your system, and we can take your winter storm as an excellent example.

There is a constant give and take between psychic and chemical components which actually cause your daily weather, your weather cycles, seasons, droughts and storms. This physical weather then in its turn affects and changes the psychic atmosphere of each individual. The force that causes your weather can be thought of as self-generating.

Ultimately it is not self-generating, but for the purposes of our discussion it may be termed so. The force originates within the psychic or nonphysical aspects of each living creature within your system. This force acts as a balancing mechanism for the psychic structures, and through use of it living forms create and maintain in a most basic manner their own physical environment.

This is not to be taken as a symbolic idea, for I am speaking in quite practical terms. Not only does the human system for example become influenced chemically, electronically and psychically by physical weather, but also the human system electronically, electromagnetically, chemically and psychically affects and creates the climate in which existence is possible.

The chemical connections are the most easily discovered. The discovery however comes about, or is coming about, as a result of studies made concerning the effect of physical weather upon the individual, in chemical terms. It will take longer before it is at all realized that the individual also affects the weather.

Nevertheless some of this is, or should be, obvious. It is known that photosynthesis affects most vitally the makeup of your atmosphere, for example. The biological methods by which each individual utilizes oxygen are well known, but no assumptions have been drawn from this knowledge.

Now I have told you that dreams are caused in part by chemical excesses built up within the human system. Dreams also carry the weight of emotional excesses that cannot be adequately expressed within daily physical action.

(Seth began talking about dreams by the 15th session, then began to give material on their chemical excesses soon after. See Volume 1.)

Now I shall tell you that physical weather is also caused in part by psychic energy, rushing through the human system and through the systems of all living creatures, and also by an excess, a chemical excess, beyond that which the individual organism can handle.

The word excess may be a poor one. Perhaps the word abundance of chemical energy would be more correct. The chemical energy is above that which is ordinarily needed by the individual physical organism, yet it must be used. The utilization comes about subconsciously.

This blizzard, and the last storm of last week, both of these are beneficial primarily. Now the physical organism simply cannot handle all of the energy that is available to it. It has abundant energy, not only to care for itself but to create a favorable physical environment. Without the outlet, the constructive outlet provided it in the formation of its own weather environments, the physical organism would have little balance or stability.

As emotional storms may be the result of a lack of discipline or of knowledge, or of control of one or more portions of the self, bringing about a corresponding exaggeration or growth of other portions of the self, so also erratic physical storms come from the same causes on a collective basis, but with the energy directed outward and often turned to a constructive purpose. Though this is not always the case.

A physical storm may, as you know, be far more disastrous than an emotional one. But a physical storm is a collective endeavor, and can be compared, if it is disastrous, only with disastrous collective emotional storms such as those that sweep across nations, when all minds seem seized by irrationality.

… There is much to be said concerning the interrelationships that exist between the human system and the weather system, and these shall be, these interrelationships, shall be discussed most completely at a later time. I do not want to interrupt our data concerning probabilities and time, however, to get involved in any long involvements on other matters. The question was in your minds however, and so we have taken a short while to give you some brief notes concerning it. At our next session we shall return to our previous subject matter.

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