Sunday, March 24, 2013

Kosmos, Cosmos and cosmos

Blavatsky: Secret Doctrine Volume 1:

“From the beginning of man’s inheritance, from the first appearance of the architects of the globe he lives in, the unrevealed Deity was recognized and considered under its only philosophical aspect - universal motion, the thrill of the creative Breath in Nature.  Occultism sums up the “One Existence” thus:  “Deity is an arcane, living (or moving) FIRE, and the eternal witnesses to this unseen Presence are Light, Heat, Moisture” - this trinity including, and being the cause of, every phenomenon in Nature.  Intra-Cosmic motion is eternal and ceaseless;  cosmic motion (the visible, or that which is subject to perception) is finite and periodical.  As an eternal abstraction it is the EVER-PRESENT;  as a manifestation, it is finite both in the coming direction and the opposite, the two being the alpha and omega of successive reconstructions.  Kosmos - the NOUMENON - has nought to do with the causal relations of the phenomenal World.  It is only with reference to the intra-cosmic soul, the ideal Kosmos in the immutable Divine Thought, that we may say:  “It never had a beginning nor will it have an end.”  With regard to its body or Cosmic organization, though it cannot be said that it had a first, or will ever have a last construction, yet at each new Manvantara, its organization may be regarded as the first and the last of its kind, as it evolutes every time on a higher plane ...”

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