Sunday, March 10, 2013

A Variety of Quotes from Recent Readings

On Time:

Mary Merecek from Multidimensional Reality:

“...time is not what you think it is.  All events are happening at once:  past, present and future as well as all possible probables are in occurrence at once.  It is your focus that delineates them, separates them and puts them into a chronological order.”

On Probability:

Mary Merecek from Multidimensional Reality:

“Probability follows specific laws that are related to frequency, light, energy and believe it or not, personality.  That is the reason why we and you choose different personalities for lifetimes.  Haven’t you wondered why we don’t keep the same one and use it for several or even all of our incarnations?  We could.  We have that option, but no one ever does, and part of the reason is because personality is one of the factors that influence probability.

“It is the interchange, the give and take, the cooperation, the relationship that is so important.  What personality you happen to be “wearing” at the time is significant in terms of your reactions, beliefs and choices.  

“Probability (the universe) takes its cues from all of the above:  your reactions, your beliefs and your choices in deciding what to provide you with.  The universe (probability) follows your lead.  You give it messages and it gives you something back but what it gives to you is based more on you than on itself.  This is important for you to understand because it is the reason you are a co-creator and not a victim.

“Sometimes the universe works with your intent and not your verbalized wishes.  These are the times most often missed by you because you ask for a specific event and you receive something that is better and more in line with your intent.  If you are concentrated on a specific answer you may miss the bigger picture in terms of your prayers being answered.

“Let us say for instance that you are focused on abundance:  you the universe to provide you with abundance.  Your idea of abundance is to win the lottery.  The universe’s idea of abundance for you is for you to have friends, family, a pet and a safe place to live.  So in the course of six months all of these things come into your life:  a new friend, a family member makes contact, a stray cat wanders into your life and someone asks you to house-sit for them while they go on an extended vacation.

“You, thinking winning the lottery is the meaning of abundance, miss all of the events that would enrich your life.  So you refuse the friend, the family member, the pet and the house.  your choices are directly connected to your personality and what meaning you gave to the events that could have provided you with abundance.  In other words, your idea of what abundance is for you and what the universe’s idea of what abundance is for you may be different.”

On Hydrogen:

Edward R. Harrison (a Cosmologist)

“Hydrogen is a light, odourless gas, which, given enough time, turns into people.”


Andrew Thomas from Hidden in Plain Sight:  The Simple Link Between Relativity and Quantum Mechanics:

“The message from quantum mechanics is that we should treat the universe as one connected, entangled object.”

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