Thursday, October 24, 2019

The little voice in our head

Lazaris points out that desire, imagination and expectation are the tools we all use for manifestation.  The "doubt" that Ramtha speaks of here is the lack of expectation ... which is often our biggest hurdle for conscious manifestation.

That little voice in our head that Ramtha talks about is the one programmed in by our culture and surroundings … the foundational belief system that underpins our adult lives.  Parental attempts to control children during the “terrible two’s” etc. often produce a belief that we are unworthy of our dreams and/or we are never good enough (a type-A personality trait).  These strategies are effective in the near term but have unfortunate long-term limiting consequences.  That’s probably why the little voice in our head is often the voice of a parent, a religious figure, or a school teacher.

“The dream comes on in the brain, and the moment you become utterly involved, surrender to it, there is a little voice inside your head.  The brain doesn’t have a voice but it can mouth words and it knows how to think words because it has memorized them.  So, from its memory bank comes this little voice that says, “It is only a dream.  It doesn’t come true,” or “You are not worthy of it.  Get real.”  It is an opinion voice – that is all that it is – and when the dream appears, it has got a cancer on it because that dream has every right to affect energy fields as your arm does.  Ask yourself, “Does my brain really know the difference?”  Haven’t you ever heard a great master say, “This is but an illusion?”  Well, it is.  Now everything you are capable of putting together, is.  All you have to do is remove your doubt.  If you hold doubt to it, you lose.  Doubt just keeps the old, the common.  If you remove doubt, what have you to lose?  What you have to lose are the old dreams in place of the new one.  That is all.”
(Ramtha:  Who Are We Really?)

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