Sunday, October 13, 2013

Extract from Session 735

Extract From Session 735 of Seth's "Unknown" Reality, vol 2

… To some extent you can actualize portions of your own unknown reality, and draw them into the experienced area of your life.  There is an obvious relationship between one note and another in a musical composition.  Now in terms of physical families and in larger terms countries, there is a relationship between realities, which constantly change as the notes do.  To some extent your reality is picked up by your contemporaries.  They accept it or not according to the particular theme or focus of their lives.

In those terms, you are not a part of any reality that is not your own.  If you share it with others, it is because others are concerned with variations of the same theme.  This applies in terms of world goals “at any given time”.

For example: In certain terms, you are working with the challenge of how best to use the world’s resources.  Some countries will overproduce.  Others will underproduce.  Contradictions seem to occur.  Some people will be overfed while others starve; some sated with material conveniences, others relatively ignorant of them.  These are variations of the same theme, you see.  In overall terms contemporaries are working on the same group challenges, though either oversupply or great lack might show itself at any particular place.  Perhaps, however, the challenges could not be clearly delineated without those extravagances of degree.

As contemporaries, counterparts choose a particular time framework.  The time format alone makes certain focuses clear, that in your terms could not be made in another context.  What you learn in your present about industry – “progress” – and the equitable sharing of earth’s products, could only be learned in a context in which industrialism was experienced as going too far, where technology was seen and known as a growing jeopardy.

In terms that I admit are difficult to describe, the creative solutions will change the course of history in the past, so that variations are taken, and technology does not progress in the same way that it “has” in your experience.

I have said before that personally you can change the past from the present.  The same applies to civilizations.

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