Friday, July 19, 2024

A "Higher Perspective"

 When you look at the world and the news, I think it’s important not to make judgements nor to get emotionally entangled.  Everyone you see is a Source Being curious enough and loving enough to act out the innumerable possibilities and probabilities that arise in our personal conception of a universe … our personal perceived universe is our current representation of the ineffable consciousness and flow of Source energies from the perspective of a physical life within the universe currently on Gaia at the time of “the great awakening” … our job is to savour the ride as the sensory mechanism of the Soul in it’s creation … and to love and have fun (expressions of our true nature!).

Those words seemed to flow quite naturally … but the challenge is to move from the head to the heart and to be there in each moment ...

Capitalism: When I was a kid there was a middle class that was alive and well.  But now, neither of my daughters think they’ll ever own a home and all the rental properties belong to the upper few percent of wealthy people.  This is what Capitalism brings if there isn’t a sufficient measure of social justice imposed by a democratically elected government (or, in the absence of that, a truly benevolent autocrat).  What makes matters worse is that the “winners” in Capitalism are seen as the powerful people in society whose opinions really matters since we define success by wealth (called social Darwinism).  Anyway, humanity has a history of letting the pendulum swing one way before there is enough pain and injustice for the pendulum to start to swing the other way.  Given this is all an exploration of possibilities and probabilities I guess it’s not surprising that we get to watch this going on until we individually and collectively get interested in a dream/illusion that is more in harmony with our true nature.

Saturday, June 8, 2024


Managing One's State of Vibration

I suppose what I’ve been learning over the last few years is the importance of monitoring and choosing one’s state of vibration.  This is crucial because what we focus on and the meaning we give it determines our manifested reality.  I’m not that great at sustaining the higher vibrational states, particularly with people occasionally trying to press my buttons, but I’ve become at least more aware now of how I feel in the moment and I’m quicker to reorient myself.  One is never perfect … there is no absolute perfection in manifested reality anyway, only an ineffable combination of overlapping perspectives personified by the myriad of Source Beings playing in the moment.

There is no limit to how dark and deep into 3rd density one can go … one just has to look at current events to see the depths being explored by humanity.  Similarly there’s no limit to the heights of vibration we can resonate with.  It’s all our choice.  I suppose it’s a bit like sailing a small one-person sail boat through various winds and seas while steering towards the lighthouse of our ideals (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual ideals).  One doesn’t fight the seas, instead one follows the energies and lets the light guide the way.  If we take our mind’s eye off our ideals we can wallow around lost in darkness … until we get a glimpse again of the ideals and resume enlightened steering.  Similarly, we can get swamped in the energies of the day … rather than elegantly surfing the energies of the day.  One is never bad or wrong … it is all about experience and the feeling of the journey and the exploration of infinite possibilities.