Sunday, June 30, 2019

Small steps

Today's Seth sounds like something Edgar Cayce or Tony Robbins have said ...

“If you are lethargic, resolve to take the first small steps toward action, however small they might be.  Remind yourself that life implies action and motion, and even the activity of the most despondent thought flows in great bursts of rhythm.”
(The Way Toward Health,Session June 9, 1984)

Friday, June 28, 2019

The world needs you

“The point is that all of the world’s problems also represent great challenges.  Young people in particular are needed to work for the promotion of peace and nuclear disarmament, to take up the tasks of deregulating and redistributing food sources, and of encouraging nations to join in such a creative venture.  Those are indeed worthy and stirring causes, as noble as any that faced any generation in the past.  The world needs every hand and eye, and cries out for expression of love and caring.  To devote oneself to such a cause is far more praiseworthy than to steadily bemoan global problems with a sorrowful eye and a mournful voice.”
(The Way Toward Health,Session June 9, 1984)

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Accentuate the positive ...

Today's Seth uses the example of getting depressed about the world situation as reported by the news, but it applies to any situation in life.  

Thoughts are energy.  Thoughts that you dwell on grow and can become thought forms where these thoughts now seem to take on a life of their own.  

Seth has pointed out many times that our brains are wired for survival ... hence our brains are wired to focus on potential negative outcomes ... which of course makes those probabilities grow.  

Shifting the focus from brain to heart is a great way to counter this tendency.  The HeartMath Institute ( has done extensive research in how to shift the focus to love and positive feelings.

“Many depressives concentrate almost devotedly upon the miseries of the world – the probable disasters that could bring about its end.  They remind themselves that the planet is overpopulated, and project into the future the most dire of disasters, man-made and natural.
“Such thoughts are bound to cause depression.  They are also painting a highly prejudiced view of reality, leaving out all matters concerning man’s heroism, love of his fellow creatures, his wonder, sympathy, and the great redeeming qualities of the natural world itself.  So such people must change their focus of attention.
“The other creative, positive, achieving portions of life are ever present, and thoughts of them alone can bring refreshment and release from tension.”
(The Way Toward Health,Session June 9, 1984)

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

To Be

Years ago, when I was exploring the world of Qabalah, I read of the source (All That Is in Seth's parlance) described as the Be-er - us and all life are its Beings.  This is analogous to music where there is a "singer" who sings many "songs".  I was so struck with that idea, that I bought a $150 dictionary because it was the only one I could find with that meaning of "Be-er" (all the rest only had beer ... which has been believed by many to be proof that God loves us!).  Hence we are a song of the Cosmic Singer ... our job is to experience the song beautifully and to the fullest.

“The propelling force in all of existence is the desire to be, however – the impetus toward expression, development, and fulfillment.”
(The Way Toward Health,Session June 8, 1984)

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Denial, fear and repression

Seth really calls a spade a shovel (an old Windsor Ontario expression) in this Seth.  It’s probably too blunt for most people to digest but that just means it hits too close to home.  This is me speaking from personal experience!

“In nearly all matters of poor health, or unfortunate living conditions or mental or physical stress, there exists a strong tinge of denial, fear, and repression.”
(The Way Toward Health,SessionJune 8, 1984)

Monday, June 24, 2019

Starting over

This is another Seth quote very relevant to “fixing” life … which is how most people get involved with metaphysics and spirituality.  It is interesting that to generate change requires a balance of masculine and feminine energies … trying and allowing.  That’s what makes it difficult.

“Starting over – changing one’s beliefs, is a bold endeavor.  It is quite possible that along the way you may become discouraged or disillusioned.
“At such times, it is a good idea to give yourself time to relax.  Turn your attention to something else entirely, and mentally say, “To hell with it all for now”.  The entire idea involves a process in which you try and not try at the same time, in which you do not strain to achieve results, but instead gently begin to allow yourself to follow the contours of your own subjective feelings, to uncover those spiritual and biologically valid beliefs of early childhood, and to bring them the very best wisdom that you have acquired throughout your life so far.
“… .  We are actually involved in changing a way of life, in altering your very view of the self and the world in the hopes of a new sense of harmony with our bodies, our minds, our fellow creatures, and the environment.”
(The Way Toward Health,Session June 8, 1984)

Sunday, June 23, 2019

No diseases due to aging

“There are very definite, excellent side-effects of growing older, that we will also discuss in this book – but here I want to assure the reader that basically speaking there are no diseases brought about by old age alone.
“The body often wears out because it has been used less and less – and that is because little study has been given to the true capabilities of the healthy physical body in the later years of life.  That period also contains certain rhythms in which normal healing processes are highly accelerated, and the life force itself does not wear out or lessen within a body.  Its expression may be impeded at any time, but the unique energy of each individual is not drained away because of age alone.
“… when I invite my readers to start over, I want it understood that you can indeed start over regardless of your age or circumstances.”
(The Way Toward Health,Session June 7, 1984)

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Unfortunate beliefs about aging

We’ve talked about the importance of beliefs many times in workshops, this BLOG, etc.  In this Seth quote, Seth points out that our cultural imprinting and big pharma commercials have resulted in a whole host of subtle and not so subtle negative beliefs about aging.  It’s tough to undo those beliefs because they’re repeatedly projected on TV (neurolinguistic programming in TV ads) and by literally everybody we talk to … particularly among the elderly with terrible health.

“The weight of unfortunate beliefs perhaps falls heaviest on the older segments of the population, for the beliefs have had a longer period of time to operate relatively unimpeded.
“Those particular beliefs actually take hold in young adults, so that it seems that all of life is meant to come to its fullest flower in young adulthood, and then from that prestigious position fall quicker and quicker into disuse and disarray.
“… Again, to a certain degree, religion and science – and the medical sciences in particular – seem devoted to encouraging the most negative beliefs about human nature.  It is taken for granted that all mental, physical, spiritual and emotional satisfactions become lesser with advancing age.  It is taken for granted that memory fails, the body weakens, the senses stagnate, and the emotional vividness dims.  It is often considered scandalous to even imagine sexual activity after the age of even 40 or 50.”
(The Way Toward Health,Session June 7, 1984)

Friday, June 21, 2019

Hold beliefs worthy of the body

“If we are talking about health, it is to your beliefs that we must look. You have the most efficient and beautiful physical organs, the most elegant joints and appendages, the most vibrant lungs and the most exquisite of senses.  It is up to you to form a body of beliefs that is worthy of your physical image – for you are nourished by your beliefs, and those beliefs can cause your daily bread to add to your vitality, or to add to your cares and stress.”
(The Way Toward Health,Session June 7, 1984)

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Your beliefs affect your health

The Transcendors (channeled by Rik Thurston) had said much the same thing as this Seth quote, but they also added that we’re smart to make life easy for our body and to not live on junk food or whatever.  

It’s true that we create our own reality but, for most people, life isn’t supposed to be a biological stress test (unless that really is your purpose in this life).  

Love and joy are much more fun than struggle and they align more closely with our true nature.

“The ideas that you have, then, play a large role in the way the body handles its nutrients, and utilizes its health and vitality.  If you believe that the body is somehow evil, you may punish it by nearly starving to death, even though your diet might be considered normal by usual standards.  For it is possible for your ideas to cause chemical reactions that impede your body’s ability to accept nourishment.  If you believe that the body is evil, the purest health-food diet will or may do you little good at all, while if you have a healthy desire and respect for your physical body, a diet of TV dinners, and even of fast foods, may well keep you healthy and nourished.”
(The Way Toward Health,Session June 7, 1984)

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Spontaneity and discipline

Today's Seth is something every artist deals with in creating their work:

“As your life is provided for you, so to speak, by these spontaneous processes, the life of the universe is provided in the same fashion.  You see the physical stars, and your instruments probe the distances of space – but the inner processes that make the universe possible are those same processes that propel your own thinking.  It is erroneous, therefore, to believe that spontaneity and discipline are mere opposites. Instead, true discipline is the result of true spontaneity.
“Value fulfillment of each and every element in life relies upon those spontaneous processes, and at their source is the basic affirmative love and acceptance of the self, the universe, and life’s conditions.”
(The Way Toward Health,Session June 4, 1984)

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Spontaneity - the spirit of life itself

“Spontaneity, however, represents the spirit of life itself, and it is the basis for the will to live, and for those impulses that stimulate action, motion, and discovery.
“In the truest regard, your life is provided for you by these spontaneous processes.  As I’ve mentioned in past books, at one time the human personality was “more at one with itself”.  It accommodated unconscious and conscious experience more equitably.  Man was more aware of his dreams and so-called unconscious activity.
“It is only because civilized man has somewhat overspecialized in the use of one kind of knowledge over another that people fear the unconscious, spontaneous portions of the self.  The fear alone causes them to block out still more and more unconscious knowledge. Since the spontaneous portions are so related to bodily activity, they are very important in facilitating good health, and when people feel divorced from their spontaneous selves, they also feel divorced to the same extent from their own bodies.”
(The Way Toward Health,Session June 4, 1984)

Tuesday, June 11, 2019


“Your very physical existence itself is dependent upon the smooth functioning of many spontaneous processes.  Your thinking, breathing, and motion are all guided by activities that are largely unconscious – at least from the standpoint of what you think of as the conscious mind.
“Your body repairs itself constantly, and your mind thinks – all without your normally conscious attention.  The same applies to all of those inner processes that make life possible. Your thoughts are conscious, but the process of thinking itself is not.  Spontaneity is particularly important in the actions of children, and in the natural rhythmic motion of their limbs.  Feelings also seem to come and go in a spontaneous fashion.
“It is indeed as if some inner spontaneous part of the personality is far more knowledgeable than the conscious portion of which we are so rightfully proud.”
(The Way Toward Health,Session June 4, 1984)

Monday, June 10, 2019

No need to "fix" the past

Lazaris often said that change happens in an instant.  Given that we generate our 3D perception of our world out of raw energy appearing to occur 55 times a second ... when we change then the next moment is a completely new moment (complete with a believable probable past and the corresponding probable futures) and not a "fixed" past.  

This change may appear to take hours, days, years, lifetimes depending upon our beliefs about how difficult change is ... but when we make a fundamental choice that creates change then new realities spring forth as soon as we are willing to accept them.

Given our strong belief in time and associated struggle, it is hard for us to accept what Seth and Lazaris are telling us.  It is true, however, and masters like Jesus, etc. got it and performed miracles and changed the course of history.  That’s the untapped power present in all of us.

“Again, because of the simultaneous nature of time, beliefs can be changed in the present moment.
“There is no need to search endlessly into the past of this life or any other, for the “original” cause for beliefs.  Making a change in the present of a certain kind will automatically alter all beliefs “across the board”, so to speak.  It is important, however, that you do not strain too hard to achieve results, but allow yourself some leeway.  You react to your beliefs habitually, often unthinkingly, and in usual ideas of time, and in your experience of it – you must allow yourself “some time” to change that habitual behavior.
“As you do, you will discover yourself reacting to the desired beliefs as easily and automatically as you did to the undesirable ones.  As you do, keep the idea of child’s play in mind, however. This will allow you to keep the entire affair in a kind of suspension.
“The child plays at being an adult long before he is one, and so you can play with more desirable beliefs while you are still growing into that more beneficial picture.”
(The Way Toward Health,Session June 3, 1984)

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Starting over playfully

“I want to assure you that regardless of your circumstances, age, or sex, you can indeed start over, re-arousing from within yourself those earlier, more innocent expectations, feelings and beliefs.  It is much better if you can imagine this endeavor more in the light of children’s play, in fact, rather than think of it as a deadly serious adult pursuit.
“In other words, we will try to instill a somewhat playful attitude, even toward the most severe problems, for the very idea of play encourages the use of the imagination and the creative abilities.”
(The Way Toward Health,Session June 3, 1984)

Friday, June 7, 2019

Elias Session "The Science Wave"

I’m in the process of reading a recent Elias session and thought this opening part was particularly appropriate.  I liked the bits about feelings, we create our entire reality, our craving for certainty, and being in the present (actually feeling joy for things we're happy about).

“But you are shifting! One of the pieces of shifting is unpredictability and not following the rules. And that may not appear to be very safe presently, but this is what you are learning. You don’t have to have all the answers.”

ELIAS: Good afternoon!

GROUP: Good afternoon, Elias! Hi, Elias!

ELIAS: (Chuckles) As you are aware, we have entered into your new wave. (Laughs) And I will simply preface briefly that the science wave is not necessarily about science in relation to inventions or new creations, but more in relation to science itself and how it influences you in your lives, not being scientists. And as I have expressed previously in introducing this new wave, what you are tremendously beginning with is the base of science itself, which is rules. 

In that, I would express to you that this is definitely a matter of perception and it is not the same as your guidelines. It isn’t the same type of expression as you generate in relation to your individual guidelines—which generally you project onto other individuals and expect them to follow your guidelines, but this is somewhat different. 

Each of you at very young ages develop a part of your perception that sets rules for the world, in a manner of speaking. They are rules about behavior, what people’s behavior should be. You don’t necessarily think about this. You don’t define it to yourself through thinking, but you definitely have rules about how people should behave. And when they don’t, you react. You don’t necessarily think to yourself, “People should behave in a particular manner. If someone speaks to you, you should acknowledge them.” You don’t necessarily think that, but you ACT it. You react when people don’t follow your rules. When you expect people to behave in certain manners and they don’t do it, you will react. And people DON’T generally follow your rules, and this creates a considerable amount of conflict.

Even if it doesn’t create conflict between people, it creates conflict within yourself, because it is difficult for you to accept when people don’t follow the rules. And they aren’t what you think of as YOUR rules – although they ARE your rules – but you don’t associate with them in that manner. You associate with them in the manner that they are simply THE rules for all of humanity. They are THE rules that govern the world. And you don’t think about who DESIGNED the rules that govern the world; you simply know what they are, and you simply know when other individuals don’t follow them or don’t adhere to them, and you don’t like it and you don’t accept it. And that creates considerable judgments.

And at times you turn those judgments on yourselves also, because you may see momentarily that you are expecting certain behaviors of other individuals, and then you may confuse the situation and turn it on yourself and judge yourself for having those rules that other people should adhere to. Or, you judge yourself because you notice that you don’t follow all of those rules either, at times.

But the point is that this is a base point in relation to the belief system of science, that science follows rules. The base element of science is what? Mathematics. And mathematics is all about rules. You don’t express three and three equals seven, because the rule is three and three equals six. And it is definite. It is absolute. It is unchangeable. Rules are rules.

The difficulty with this is the one piece of your reality that is the most important piece of your reality, which is perception. And perception doesn’t follow the rules. It does sometimes, but it doesn’t always. It isn’t bound to the rules. Therefore, this creates difficulties, and this is one of the most influencing and difficult pieces of science, is that it can’t quantify perception. 

And you have to quantify with science because (chuckles) that is the rule. And in that, perception can’t be quantified. This is the reason that they cannot explain particles. Even after generations of observing them and their behavior they can’t quantify them, because it is a matter of perception. Particles behave in the manner that they behave according to your perception. They don’t behave independent of your perception, because your perception creates them and creates their movement, because your perception creates reality. 

And this is the missing piece. This is the missing piece for science, this is the missing piece for your understanding. This is the missing piece or the missing link, so to speak, of reality itself and your understanding of it, is perception. Because even with that idea of perception, as we have discussed many times, in some capacities you still hold the idea that you create YOUR perception and therefore your reality, and each other individual does also, but then there is also the official reality. There is the official perception, which somehow everyone shares but no one actually has. 

And once again, I will reiterate: there is no official reality. There is no official perception. And perception is limited to physical realities. There is no perception outside of physical realities, because it isn’t necessary. Because perception is a projection of reality, of physical reality. 

In that, it is the projection of everything that your senses feed back to you. And in that, each one of you creates a different perception. You do generate a commonality to a degree with perception, because you are all interconnected, because you aren’t separate. Therefore, you share a degree of perception. Therefore, when you use your senses, for the most part you will agree on many expressions that you input to yourselves through your perception.

You all sniff a flower. You will see the flower very similarly. You will smell the flower. The fragrance of it will be very similar. This is how you create perfume, that you collectively agree. You collectively generate perceptions that are similar enough. They are not identical, but they are similar enough that you can create physical manifestations that for most of you appear to be almost the same, within minor differences. Therefore, when you see a building, most of you see the same building, or almost the same building. 

But not always! At times, you see things very differently. And that means you experience very differently, because you experience in relation to what you input to yourself in association with your senses and your evaluation of what you are inputting to yourselves through your senses and what it means to you.

In this, this is where you deviate in relation to perception, how you create differences in perception. And this is the piece about rules, is that with rules you want everything to be definite. You want it to be the same. You want it to match. Three and three should always be six. It should never be seven or five; it is always six. This is the rule, this is what it is supposed to be, this is what you expect, and if it isn’t that, then what is stable and what is predictable? And what can you count on? And you place a high value on predictability.

If you think that you place a high value on gold or diamonds, they pale in comparison to how much you value predictability. Because unpredictability creates that feeling of unsafe. You don’t know what to expect if something is unpredictable; therefore, it isn’t safe.

And safe isn’t a state of being. It is a feeling, and feelings are what? Signals. They are telling you to pay attention to what you are doing. You are communicating to yourself in relation to what you are doing. Your feeling isn’t the communication; it is a signal. 

But in that, feeling unsafe is your signal that something is threatening you. It is threatening because you can’t predict it. You don’t know what it is. Which also moves in other directions such as what you do in your life, what direction you are engaging the future, be it tomorrow or three hours from now or next year or five years from now. 

This is the reason that so many of you are engaging so many questions with myself about climate change. You want to know what will happen in one year, in five years, in seven years. What will we be doing? What will the planet be doing? What is happening? Tell us what the future is, therefore we can predict and we can feel safe. Because in that, we can follow the rules and be predictable and be safe.

But you are shifting! One of the pieces of shifting is unpredictability and not following the rules. And that may not appear to be very safe presently, but this is what you are learning. You don’t have to have all the answers. You don’t have to know everything that will be occurring futurely, because you are creating it now.

You haven’t created the future yet. Therefore, you can’t predict it. You can express potentials or likelihoods, but you can’t absolutely predict what will be futurely because you haven’t created it yet. And what you are creating now is shaping what the future will be, but that changes in every moment, as you are aware.

Let me express to you, this business of rules and following the rules or not following the rules is actually much more important than you might realize yet, but you will realize soon how important it is, because many of the ideas that you hold presently and perceptions that you hold presently are likely about to be shaken. 

There are some that are already becoming more and more forefront that are moving in the direction of shaking your perceptions. I will express one of them that I expressed recently with an individual in relation to shifting: So many of you are so interested in the idea of incorporating a reality in which money is not the center of it any longer – which you are moving in that direction. And one of the pieces of perception that is surprising about that—or will be surprising to most of you—is who is leading the way in relation to that manifestation and the realization of no money: banks. 

Banks. The holders of money, investors of money, the promoters of money. Banks are leading the way for no money. They have been moving in this direction for approximately fifty of your years already, and you don’t see it. And you haven’t been aware of it. They have been steadily moving you in a direction to accept the IDEA of money, virtual money, for slightly more than fifty years. You use less and less actual currency. You engage with the IDEA of money with plastic cards. You aren’t exchanging money—you are exchanging the idea of money.

Which has eased you for a period of time, slowly, in the direction of not using currency any longer, of not actually engaging exchange in the manner that you used to throughout your history, and moving you in a direction in which money is not as valuable. It isn’t as important. And they are moving in directions that are very different. Rather than holding your money and rather than being repositories for your money, banks are moving in directions of encouraging people to be exchanging in other manners, to be creating businesses that you enjoy and that you want to do, not necessarily corporations as they have previously, but in relation to encouraging you to do what you love to do and creating a new type of exchange through cooperation. And the banks are the forefront of that new movement.

And they are already engaged with it. Which is doing what? Breaking the rules! This is not what banks do. This is not what banks have been created for, but this is what they are doing. They are breaking the rules. And that is difficult to accept, and it seems suspicious. And you might not necessarily be inclined yet to trust banks or bankers, because traditionally you haven’t generated a considerable amount of trust for these individuals and these establishments. But they are establishing a new frontier that holds you as their highest interest.

In this, it is also a matter of recognizing that everything in your reality is about rules, regardless of what it is. It doesn’t matter what the subject is. You can choose any subject—it involves rules. 

And in that, what you are moving into now is the presentment to yourselves of the significance of perception and how individual it actually is. The previous wave was, in a manner of speaking, educating you about the subject of perception itself, that everything is about perception and that you have perception and that perception isn’t your opinion, it is your projection of reality. Now you are moving in the direction of the next step, which is about perception IS everything about your reality, that it doesn’t necessarily follow the rules, and how do you provide that stability and that safety for yourselves in what seems to be chaotic – which it isn’t, but that may be your assessment initially through reflection.

And now it is a matter of genuinely learning what reflection is, because most of you still think of reflections as being mirrors, and they aren’t. When you look at another individual, when you have an interaction and you actually have the presence with yourself to remind yourself, “Ah! This is a reflection,” and you notice that, your immediate, initial response to yourself is, “What am I doing that’s the same as what I am reflecting?” Likely nothing, because you aren’t mirroring; you are reflecting.

You projected an energy, and you are reflecting that energy back to yourself. But you don’t see the projection. You don’t always see what the perception is. That is the reason you HAVE the reflection, that you CAN see what your projection is. And then you can address to that, because the projection always comes first. Your perception is always first. Projections and reflections are designed to allow you to be aware of your reality.

I’ve been expressing from the onset of this forum: nothing is hidden from you. It is all a matter of what you pay attention to. It is not that there are hidden elements or aspects of your reality. It isn’t that there are unconscious parts of yourself or your reality—no. That is incorrect. It is a matter of what you pay attention to. And you don’t pay attention to much in relation to yourselves. There is so much more of yourself that you don’t pay attention to and that you express automatically, but you are moving in the direction of being intentional creators. That is the point of this shift, that you create your reality intentionally.

You began with Seth, who expressed, “You create your reality.” And this was revolutionary, this concept: “I create my reality? I create ALL of my reality? This is amazing! And it is empowering!” Now you move in the direction of you don’t simply create your reality, you want to create your reality intentionally in what you want it to be. Not automatically, not moving through your life with your reality being created and you don’t know why and you don’t know what and that it seems that all the outside sources are creating it for you or to you or against you, but that YOU have the power and that YOU are creating it intentionally because you want to and because you are aware of yourselves and what you want. 

We have spoken quite a bit about desire versus wants and how desire is your engine that fuels you. That is what you want to follow, intentionally creating what your desire is. 

But in this, once again, it brings us to the simplifying of all of it, which is: what are you paying attention to? All day, every day in what you are doing, in all of your mundane actions, stop concerning yourselves and worrying about and asking questions about how do I create a relationship? Should I move? Should I continue in my present job, or should I generate a new job? Should I purchase a new vehicle? Should I be engaging school, or should I be engaging some other activity? What benefits me the most? What is the best use of my time and energy? Stop asking these questions!

Start looking at what you are doing every day – because THAT is most of your energy. 

If you want to purchase a new home, you likely will do that how many times in your lifetime? In your LIFETIME - not in a year, not in a month, not in a day. How many times in a lifetime do you purchase a new home? How many times in a lifetime do you change partners and engage a different romantic relationship? Even if you did it twenty times, which you think would be a lot, twenty times in a lifetime. How many breakfasts do you consume in a lifetime? Much more than twenty! Even if you engaged FORTY relationships in your lifetime. How many cups of coffee do you consume in your lifetime? Much more than forty. How much energy are you engaging with all those cups of coffee as compared to the forty relationships that you have engaged in your lifetime? What is more important?

JOHN: Coffee! (Group laughter) 

ELIAS: And why? And why? Because that is what you are doing NOW, and that is what influences everything else that you do. That is what you pay attention to in relation to your rules. How are those rules influencing everything else in your life?

When you engage a barista five times a week to incorporate a cup of coffee each day, how many times and how much energy are you engaging in which you expect that individual to be following the rules? And if they aren’t, how often do you become angry? Or dismissive? And express to anyone that you come in contact with, “I left the shop, and the barista was a JERK to me today!” What are you doing? What energy are you expressing? Are you expressing an energy that you want to be? Dismissive, aggressive, angry, unintentional, judgmental—is that what you want to be, intentionally? But that is a very influencing energy. And how often do you do THAT? And how often are you expressing those types of energies? How often are you dismissive? 

One of the individuals in our group expressed at one point the example of paying attention to what you are doing by paying attention to whether you refill an ice tray or not when you remove it from your freezer. And let us say that you choose to remove the ice tray from the freezer and you throw it into your kitchen sink. You don’t think anything of that. You don’t generate any assessment about your energy. It is unimportant. And let us say you do that on a regular basis. Every time you consume the last ice cube, you throw the ice tray into the kitchen sink and expect someone else to refill it and replace it. And you don’t think about it; you simply do it. 

What are you doing? What are you actually doing in that action? What energy are you expressing? You are being dismissive. You are expressing not enough. You are expressing automatic expectations. And this is what you would term to be a normal energy. 

Then when you want to engage a relationship, what type of energy will you likely be expressing? Will you be looking for a complement? Likely not. You will be looking for what you expect, what your expectations are on your criteria list of what you want in the other individual—not in yourself, but what you want the other individual to be. And in that, you will be dismissive of anything else that presents itself to you. You will be expressing your expectations. You will be somewhat unbending. And in that, you will either not necessarily place yourself in the path of someone else to be developing a relationship with, because no one will be enough. Or, you WILL place yourself in the path of someone else who won’t be enough, and you will pay attention to them not in the manner of are they a natural complement to you but are they fulfilling your criteria list. And your criteria list is only interesting for a short period of time, and then you become disillusioned with this individual that you are developing a relationship with and you don’t like them anymore, or you can’t function with them, for they are not enough.

It doesn’t matter what it is: a relationship, a home, a vehicle, a job, a family. It can be anything—anything. And these small actions that you do every day are very important, because they shape your perception and they reinforce your rules tremendously. And those rules, they break many expressions. They break relationships. They break opportunities. The rules don’t break—other people break them, but they don’t break inside of you, and you make them break everything else around you because they disappoint you.

But you don’t want to be disappointed. You want to be happy. You want to be successful. You want to be engaging. You want to be interconnected. You want to live your lives fully and richly and be satisfied and content. And you want to do that all intentionally, and you can’t.

And that is what you ARE moving in the direction of in this shift. That is the exciting aspect of this. Stop doubting yourselves and be excited. Be excited that you are doing and that you can be intentional and that you have all of these avenues of communication with yourselves that are designed to HELP you be intentional. Credit yourselves and move in directions in which you are celebrating you, because you are worth it.

LYNDA: Yay! 

ELIAS: And because you deserve it. And each time you question yourselves and wonder – which is very natural, and it doesn’t necessarily mean that you aren’t trusting yourselves – but each time you question yourselves, stop momentarily and counter that with crediting yourselves also. This is the age of balance. 

It isn’t that you never doubt yourselves or that you never discount yourselves. At times you discount yourselves because it helps you to grow. You see something that you are dissatisfied with to encourage you or motivate you to move in a direction of BEING satisfied. Therefore, discounting yourself isn’t always bad. But if you do that, balance it with crediting yourself also. Don’t leave it as the discounting—because that leads you in the direction of following feelings, which is NEVER a good idea--but rather to give yourself that credit and recognize that “I may discount myself in this, but I also can credit myself in this.” 

And then simplify with everything: “What do I actually want?” You don’t have to complicate and express in analyzation about everything you do and what the significance of everything is. All you have to do is ask yourself, “What do I actually want? What is actually important to me?” and “Am I comfortable with this? Am I comfortable with…” whatever the subject is. And if you are, accept that. Don’t ask yourself why, but simply accept that you are comfortable and that is acceptable. You don’t have to have cosmic reasons for being comfortable. You don’t have to analyze everything.

Being aware is your greatest tool. It gives you your greatest power, because it allows you to see your choices. You are unempowered when you can’t see choices. And whenever you ask yourselves questions, whenever you present a situation to yourselves and you are asking questions and you don’t have the answers, then ask yourself what is important and why is it so important that you have the answer in this moment. 

When you don’t see an answer, it doesn’t mean it isn’t there. And when you don’t see an answer, it doesn’t mean you won’t EVER see it; it simply means you don’t see it in this moment. And in that, all that is necessary is for you to simply ask yourself, “Why is it so important that I see it in this moment? Is my life going to end if I don’t know the answer to this question in this moment?” Likely not. Will you make the ultimate wrong choice if you don’t have all the answers in this moment? Likely not. And if you make a choice that you aren’t comfortable with, it matters not. You can change it in the next moment. You can always change it, because that is your innate right, is choice.

Joyful expectations of the body

Here is a great reason to increase awareness of the body in each moment ...

“Your body actually lives on large quantities of joyful expectation.
“The fetus is propelled by the expectation of future growth and development.”
(The Way Toward Health,Session June 3, 1984)